Wednesday 18 November 2009

English through music

English can also be fun. This is a post for you to add your recommendations on music. Not only bands, singers and songs, but also music interviews and anything related to the world of MUSIC. Music for anyone's ears is all you need to think about here.

We can start by having a look a report about Bono and Brian Williams. Who are they? (You need to click on their names to see the video)

So far, we've enjoyed English using these songs:

Lyrics | Fool's Garden lyrics - Lemon Tree lyrics

Lyrics | Beyonce lyrics - Halo lyrics
Nice song, isn't it? Hey, hang on! What does halo mean? It doesn't mean hello , does it? This is what I've found at the Oxford University Dictionary for the word halo:
halo noun (plural -los or -loes)

1(Art, Religion) aureola feminine, halo masculine; your halo's slipping (humorous) estás perdiendo la aureola (humorous)

2(Astronomy, Optics) halo masculine

3(ring) (literary) halo masculine (literary); a halo of golden hair un halo de cabellos dorados (literary)

Now it's your turn... Feel free to add your commentaries and posts.

On the other hand, we can learn some Nursey Rhymes or children songs. Yes, why not? I'll tell you what. I've been learning English for over 23 years and any teacher hasn't showed me sing these songs. Well, apart form an American one. So, off we go and enjoy singing!

Hey! hang on, this rings a bell to me. Isn't this video like the above song? Yes, it is. That's right.

And the English version of the previous advert:

Do not forget the Galician version, of course. What an excellent song!

These are the lyrics:
os animais de dous en dous
u-ah!, u-ah!
os animais de dous en dous
u-ah!, u-ah!
van subindo á Arca de dous en dous
o boi, a vaca e o caracol
e soben cando chove e cando fai calor

os animais de tres en tres
u-ah!, u-ah!
os animais de tres en tres
u-ah!, u-ah!
van subindo á nave de tres en tres
a garza farta e o cempés
din adeus coa súa patiña, andando do revés

os animais de catro en catro
u-ah!, u-ah!
os animais de catro en catro
u-ah!, u-ah!
van de catro en catro os animais
e o saltón saltou de máis
quere pillalo un home que filma documentais

os animais de cinco en cinco
u-ah!, u-ah!
os animais de cinco en cinco
u-ah!, u-ah!
e se van marchando en procesión
o lince, a ovella e o leirón
ao afundirse a Terra, acaba esta canción
cando se afunda a Terra, acaba esta canción

You can also have a look at this version by some teenagers:


  1. This blog is very interesting for learning English

  2. Well, Ramón, I hope it is, or at least I'm trying to. Anyway, it's up to all of us to make it as interesting as possible. This is a blog to put our English into practice.


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.